Navillera — Netflix Review

3 min readOct 30, 2022

Is it just me or do other people also need to receive a recommendation before diving into a new TV show. Especially, if the Netflix thumbnail can’t convince me to try it out. With that said, I am here to provide a simple review of why everyone should watch …


At first glance, having no interest in the ballet genre after being traumatized by the “Black Swan”, I didn’t give this a second glance. Netflix kept giving it over 90% rating similar to what I’ve watched, but it has been wrong before. But my aunt prompted me to watch this because like many K-drama series, it’s about the struggles of life but it’s more about a story that emphasizes that we’re only given one chance at life and no matter what everyone says, it’s not too late to do what you want to do in life. I was also in the mood for a good cry.

No one else will live your life for you. Only you can live for yourself.

Are you doing what you love to do right now?

We watch that unfold through the lens of a 70 year old grandfather/father/husband and finally ballerino, Deok-Chul Shim. He is the symbol of today’s Korean Silver Group. The baby boomers that set the stage so the future generations can live a better life. The mantra, work hard for your family, work hard and it will pay off and then you can do what you want later. Later… This drama is a rebellion against that motto. Life isn’t easy and sometimes it won’t get better so make sure you are doing what you love to do. Deok-Chul is determined to…




Fully Biased Korean Drama Reviewer